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Control Data Access

This guide will show you how to use granular permissions to control access to your data.

Key concepts in this guide:

Getting Started

To get started, you will need a Basis Theory account.

Next you will need a Management Application in order to provision the components in this guide.

Click here to create a Management Application or login to your Basis Theory account and create a new application from the Full Management Access template.

Save the API Key from the created Management Application as it will be used in this guide to provision the next step.

Create a Private Application

We need a Private Application to create and retrieve tokens:

curl "" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: test_1234567890" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X "POST" \
-d '{
"name": "Control Access Private App",
"type": "private",
"rules": [
"container": "/",
"description": "Create Tokens",
"permissions": [
"priority": 1,
"transform": "mask"
"container": "/users/government/",
"description": "Read Redacted Users",
"permissions": [
"priority": 2,
"transform": "redact"
"container": "/users/employees/",
"description": "Read Revealed Users",
"permissions": [
"priority": 3,
"transform": "reveal"
"container": "/users/",
"description": "Read Masked Users",
"permissions": [
"priority": 4,
"transform": "mask"

Be sure to replace test_1234567890 with the Management API Key you created in the Getting Started step.

Save the API Key from the created Private Application as it will be used in this guide to create and list tokens.

This will create a Private Application with the following access rules in the following priority order:

  • Allow creation of tokens on any container under / root
  • Allow reads of users in the /users/government/ container, but the data will be redacted
  • Allow reads of users in the /users/employees/ container, and the data will be revealed
  • Allow reads of users in the /users/ container, and the data will be masked

Create Tokens

Now we want to create some tokens that will match the access rules on our Private Application we created.

Run the following in your terminal to create some tokens:

curl "" \
-X "POST" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: test_1234567890" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[{
"type": "token",
"data": {
"first_name": "Luke",
"last_name": "Skywalker",
"social_security_number": "111-22-3333",
"email_address": ""
"mask": {
"first_name": "{{ data.first_name }}",
"last_name": "{{ data.last_name | slice: 0 }}",
"social_security_number": "{{ data.social_security_number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"email_address": "{{ data.email_address | split: '\''@'\'' | last }}"
"containers": [
}, {
"type": "token",
"data": {
"first_name": "Han",
"last_name": "Solo",
"social_security_number": "444-55-6666",
"email_address": ""
"mask": {
"first_name": "{{ data.first_name }}",
"last_name": "{{ data.last_name | slice: 0 }}",
"social_security_number": "{{ data.social_security_number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"email_address": "{{ data.email_address | split: '\''@'\'' | last }}"
"containers": [
}, {
"type": "token",
"data": {
"first_name": "Leia",
"last_name": "Organa",
"social_security_number": "777-88-9999",
"email_address": ""
"mask": {
"first_name": "{{ data.first_name }}",
"last_name": "{{ data.last_name | slice: 0 }}",
"social_security_number": "{{ data.social_security_number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"email_address": "{{ data.email_address | split: '\''@'\'' | last }}"
"metadata": {
"senate_seat": "Alderaan"
"containers": [
}, {
"type": "token",
"data": {
"first_name": "Boba",
"last_name": "Fett",
"social_security_number": "123-45-6789",
"email_address": ""
"containers": [

Be sure to replace test_1234567890 with the Private API Key you created in the Create a Private Application step.

Retrieve Tokens

Finally, let's retrieve our data.

Run the following in your terminal to list all tokens:

curl "" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: test_1234567890"

Be sure to replace test_1234567890 with the Private API Key you created in the Create a Private Application step.

You should see a JSON response similar to:

"pagination": {
"total_items": 3,
"page_number": 1,
"page_size": 20,
"total_pages": 1
"data": [
"id": "546b2528-8e57-4bd5-b607-db639d126696",
"type": "token",
"tenant_id": "306b9c97-f974-4a87-b7b5-7f286333c4a4",
"metadata": {
"senate_seat": "Alderaan"
"created_by": "51df57ce-ef0f-47ff-b523-a08ecb9bad8a",
"created_at": "2022-12-22T15:07:46.6158347+00:00",
"fingerprint": "BF2ktSAXbUEdhNdkX58fwUxYSfXYK5XoUjx5zQawZBYN",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data | stringify }}",
"mask": {
"first_name": "{{ data.first_name }}",
"last_name": "{{ data.last_name | slice: 0 }}",
"social_security_number": "{{ data.social_security_number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"email_address": "{{ data.email_address | split: '@' | last }}"
"containers": [
"id": "be637207-540a-4920-aabe-ca734383712a",
"type": "token",
"tenant_id": "306b9c97-f974-4a87-b7b5-7f286333c4a4",
"data": {
"first_name": "Han",
"last_name": "Solo",
"social_security_number": "444-55-6666",
"email_address": ""
"created_by": "51df57ce-ef0f-47ff-b523-a08ecb9bad8a",
"created_at": "2022-12-22T15:07:46.6158347+00:00",
"fingerprint": "CKwnVWvDhR9ishqSHo39Z42wGenevTnuqDHsMu7i6f7z",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data | stringify }}",
"mask": {
"first_name": "{{ data.first_name }}",
"last_name": "{{ data.last_name | slice: 0 }}",
"social_security_number": "{{ data.social_security_number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"email_address": "{{ data.email_address | split: '@' | last }}"
"containers": [
"id": "da06ec46-282c-45e3-a79c-8e1fd8f3b356",
"type": "token",
"tenant_id": "306b9c97-f974-4a87-b7b5-7f286333c4a4",
"data": {
"first_name": "Luke",
"last_name": "S",
"social_security_number": "XXX-XX-3333",
"email_address": ""
"created_by": "51df57ce-ef0f-47ff-b523-a08ecb9bad8a",
"created_at": "2022-12-22T15:07:46.6158347+00:00",
"fingerprint": "BKUzzMpHBJnnidoXv32kxfCnzksNce729bCQJN7A6Ttf",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data | stringify }}",
"mask": {
"first_name": "{{ data.first_name }}",
"last_name": "{{ data.last_name | slice: 0 }}",
"social_security_number": "{{ data.social_security_number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"email_address": "{{ data.email_address | split: '@' | last }}"
"containers": [

Notice the following rules were applied:

  • Leia Organa's user record was redacted because it matched the /users/government/ rule
  • Han Solo's user record was revealed because it matched the /users/employees/ rule
  • Luke Skywalkers's user record was masked because it matched the /users/ rule and did not match any of the more specific container rules above
  • Boba Fett's record was not returned because there was no token:read permission on any rule for the /bounty-hunters/ container


You can use one of Basis Theory's many pre-built Application templates to get started quickly or customize Access Controls to provide granular permissions around your data.

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